Cyberview 科技讲座:在大流行(大流行病,疫情)中生存:数字化商业服务转型意味着什么
The Cyberview Tech Talk is back this year!
We wrapped up the 2020 series by coming to the ultimate conclusion that digital transformation is imperative among businesses today – one that has reached the consensus of company founders as well as digital disruptors and advocators across the board.
For the first webinar session of 2021, we will dissect the significant role advanced technologies now play in transforming the way we go about our daily lives and the way businesses operate. Like any other shift in paradigm, there are challenges to staying aligned to the digital trends, that is ever changing and evolving.
We will find out how Stephen Lim of NEXPlatfrom and Nik Muhammad Amin of @moovbymalaysia are helping companies pivot during current times, both of which are proudly our Cyberview Living Lab Accelerator (CLLA) alumni. We will also garner insights from Muhundhan Kamarapullai of @mymdec, on the importance of business digital adoption.
Don’t miss out!